2.) Sign in!
To use our app, first you have to sign in.
You have 4 options to do so:

Sign in with your Bubbles account*

Sign in with your Facebook account

Sign in with your Google account

Sign in with your Apple ID
*If you don’t have a Bubbles account yet, you can sign up now.
In all cases, you must register first! Enter a username and password, then open the confirmation email and you're ready to use the app!
3.) Start a machine!
With QR code
- Find a free machine, load it, select a program, close the door.
- Read the QR code on the machine.
- Select a payment option.
- Find a free machine, load it, select a program, close the door.
- Select washing or drying.
- Select which laundry your are in.
- Select the machine you have loaded.
- Select your payment option.
How to start a booked machine
- Load the machine you booked, select a program, close the door.
- Select washing or drying (according to your booking).
- Only the machine you booked will be available for you.
- You will only be able to start the machine you booked.
4.) Choose your payment option!

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Credit card

Payment from your
Bubbles account