Bubbles, Bubbles Point, Bubbles Laundry, Bubbles Card and the domain are owned by Bubbles International Ltd.
Bubbles International Zrt.
9027 Győr, Kandó Kálmán u 11-13
1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14. (Lurdy Ház), Zöld lépcsőház, II. emelet
Bubbles Legal notice
Bubbles is not responsible for damages caused by incorrect or improper use of the washing program.
Images on the Bubbles website and all data are copyrighted. Printing, distribution, transmission, and dissemination of this information can only be done with the prior written consent or use license agreement.
Pages may contain technical inaccuracies and typing errors. The information on this site is regularly updated, but some information may be out of date. We are not responsible for updating the information on this site.
BUBBLES General Terms and Conditions, Legal Statements and Data Management Policies are updated regularly. By using this website, you agree to the terms and / or changes to the statements made by you.